The New Curriculum & UNEB

The Ministry of Education and Sports in Uganda introduced the new lower secondary school curriculum in 2020 to enhance the quality of education and equip students with skills relevant to the 21st century. The curriculum shifts focus from rote learning to a competency-based approach that emphasizes practical skills, critical thinking, and creativity. This aligns with the nation’s goal of promoting a skilled and adaptable workforce.

  1. Competency-Based Learning:
    The curriculum focuses on equipping students with practical skills and knowledge that they can apply in real-life situations. Emphasis is placed on problem-solving, innovation, and teamwork.
  2. Subject Integration and Reduced Workload:
    Subjects have been streamlined and integrated to reduce the workload for students and teachers. Core learning areas include:
    • Languages (English, Local Languages, and Foreign Languages)
    • Mathematics and Sciences
    • Social Studies (History, Geography, and Political Education)
    • Creative Arts (Music, Drama, and Fine Art)
    • Technology and Enterprise (ICT, Entrepreneurship, and Agriculture)
    • Physical Education and Health
  3. Learner-Centered Approach:
    Teaching is more interactive, encouraging students to actively participate in lessons and take ownership of their learning. Group work, research projects, and hands-on activities are prioritized.
  4. Practical Skills Assessment:
    Continuous assessment plays a significant role, with 80% of the student’s final grade determined by classroom performance and projects. The remaining 20% comes from a final national assessment.
  5. Emphasis on ICT Integration:
    The curriculum incorporates ICT as both a subject and a teaching tool, preparing students for the demands of a digital world.
  6. Entrepreneurship and Life Skills:
    A special focus is given to equipping students with entrepreneurial skills, financial literacy, and the ability to adapt to various socio-economic challenges.

At Lincon High School, we fully embrace the new curriculum and its learner-centered philosophy. Our teachers are trained to deliver the updated syllabus effectively, using modern teaching techniques that focus on the holistic development of each student. We have also invested in resources such as ICT facilities, science laboratories, and co-curricular programs to ensure our students thrive under the new system.

Through this curriculum, Lincon High School is committed to nurturing a generation of critical thinkers, innovators, and leaders prepared to contribute meaningfully to Uganda and the global community.

The UNEB Syllabus in Relation to the New Curriculum

The Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) plays a critical role in assessing students’ learning outcomes under the new lower secondary school curriculum introduced in 2020. While the curriculum emphasizes a competency-based approach, the UNEB syllabus is aligned to assess the practical skills, critical thinking, and creativity fostered by this system.

  1. Competency-Based Assessment:
    The UNEB syllabus reflects the new curriculum’s goal of testing students’ ability to apply knowledge in real-life situations. Instead of focusing solely on theoretical knowledge, assessments evaluate problem-solving, analytical skills, and innovation.
  2. Continuous Assessment (CA):
    The new curriculum requires that 80% of the student’s grade comes from continuous assessment conducted at the school level. This includes classroom projects, practical exercises, fieldwork, and co-curricular activities. UNEB oversees the guidelines for these assessments to ensure uniformity and fairness across all schools.
  3. Final National Examinations:
    The UNEB examinations now account for 20% of the final grade. These exams are designed to test students’ mastery of competencies developed during the learning process, focusing on applied knowledge rather than memorization.
  4. Integration of Practical Skills:
    Subjects like Agriculture, ICT, Sciences, and Creative Arts require students to demonstrate hands-on skills during assessments. UNEB has adjusted its examination frameworks to include practical tests and portfolio reviews in these areas.
  5. Focus on Core Competencies:
    UNEB ensures that exams evaluate the core competencies outlined in the curriculum, which include:
    • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
    • Creativity and Innovation
    • Communication Skills
    • Learning to Learn
    • Citizenship and National Values
  6. Subject Scope and Integration:
    UNEB exams are now aligned with the streamlined subject structure in the new curriculum. For instance, subjects like Political Education and Geography are integrated under Social Studies, and Creative Arts combines Music, Drama, and Fine Art.

At Lincon High School, we have fully adapted our teaching and assessment strategies to align with UNEB’s expectations under the new curriculum. Teachers conduct continuous assessments as required, ensuring students are consistently prepared for both school-level and national evaluations. Additionally, we have invested in practical learning resources, including well-equipped science laboratories, ICT facilities, and art studios, to help our students excel in UNEB’s competency-based examinations.

By maintaining a strong alignment between classroom instruction and UNEB’s competency-based evaluation framework, Lincon High School ensures its students are not only prepared for exams but also equipped with the skills needed to thrive in real-world scenarios.

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